Sunday, March 2, 2008

My "Right Arm"

Chelsie Allen. The other day she was talking to her mom and they were talking about plans for Sean’s (her brother) birthday today. Her mom asked if Chelsie had invited me to come with her and she replied as if her mom was crazy for asking that question. Her mom then responded with a comment saying that she was basically "my right arm". I’ve had some time to think about that statement and there couldn’t be a more true statement, she IS my right arm. A blog "in the life of Jeff " wouldn’t be complete without including "my right arm". She is absolutely wonderful. We have been dating on and off for about 3 years now and our 3 year "anniversary" from our first date was on Feb. 12th (2 days before VDay) but since we have been on and off for so long we couldn’t remember the day exactly. It took me about an hour to actually figure out on what day we had our first date and I remembered that I went to a jazz game 2 days prior so I went back and looked at their 2005 schedule and figured it out. I was leaving to go home on the 14th so I told her that I wanted to do something on Tuesday (the 12th) and she didnt really know why that date was significant just yet. She asked me what we were doing and I told her that we were going to eat and that was all. I decided that it would be kinda neat if we went on the same exact date as our first date since it had been 3 years to the day. Our first date was at Outback Steakhouse and then we went and watched the movie Hitch. The night went like this.....I told her I would pick her up at 7 and call her when I was there. I had Jojo pick her up while I was waiting at Outback so I called her and told her to come down. Waiting on the front seat of my car was a letter, the movie Hitch and a teddy bear holding a gift which was a heart necklace with our initials engraved in it. Jojo had her read the letter while he was driving her to dinner and the letter explained how 3 years ago to the day was our first date and that I was waiting for her at Outback to repeat that night. She got to Outback (which for me seemed to take forever) and the smile on her face gave me chills inside. After dinner we went back and watched Hitch to finish off a memorable night. I couldnt ask for a better "right arm" and I feel very blessed to have such an amazing girl in my life.


Jonesy said...

tightness...we've got a blog too, check it out.

Johnsons said...

That is so sweet!! I really hope that things work out for you guys. you need to bring her home again, so that we can get to know her better. I am glad you are blogging. McKartnee was happy to see your pictures.

Anonymous said...

See if shes got any ladyfriends she can set me up with when i get out there hahaha

Thats a beaut though. Yeah man i need to see her again, i havent seen her in like 3 years.

Jeff said...

Ya we will make it back home this summer for sure......Amy your gonna have to tell Kartnee hi for me!

Heidi Wing said...

You guys are so cute!!! Im mad at you mr. I invite you to my wedding and you pull a no show.. thanks... JK You know i love ya! I have a blog... Check it out!!!! Keep in touch!!

estinger said... that Justin???

Jeff said...

Ya thats him! haha

The Lunts said...

Jeffie- always the romantic, we are getting ready to be die-hard fanatics for the UTAH SAINTS.

Jason Johnson said...

Wow, that post would make a great wedding announcement! ... Oh it's not? Well cool post anyways.

I was the last man on the planet...

Anonymous said...

Ohhh RIGHT! this ain't a blog w/out the JOJO support! hahah, don't worry, I've been practicin my moves for the reception. Cannon and I are gonna break it down like old times...

Johnsons said...

Hey, how did your game go?

Jeff said...

Well it didnt go so well as you can see but this week should be was a good time though!