Sunday, April 18, 2010

It's a BOY!!!

We finally know!! We are going to have a bebecito! Everyone guessed a girl except my parents and Jeff. My first impression was a boy but then everyone around me was having girls! We will have a boy though now to balance it out. :)

I would have to say finding out the gender has been the best part of this pregnancy yet. We just went to an ultrasound center because otherwise we would have had to wait until May to find out and I did not want to wait that long! I was so eager while we were in the room waiting to see something then all of a sudden she started typing and "It's a Boy" appeared up on the screen! Jeff started celebrating and I was trying to fight back tears (not because I was sad, it's just so overwhelming!). The whole process is just so amazing and it is so neat to be able to see your baby. I had no idea what we were looking at so I was surprised when she wrote up there it was a boy. I didn't know she had found something! I know longer have to call him "it" though and now I can really start planning. We are extremely excited and can't wait to have our little boy with us.

This picture is from my 13 week ultrasound but it is my favorite one because you can see him so well! I love the profile shots :)

I am 18 weeks here and a few days after we found out.

I will be 20 weeks this next week and half way there! I already feel like I have been pregnant forever though and there is still so much more to come. My stomach already feels so stretched and I can't imagine that it has even more to stretch! I thought I was going to like being pregnant, but to be honest, I actually don't enjoy it very much. (I feel horrible saying that!) I just never quite feel that good and I miss being able to really move and dance and function without having to go to the bathroom every 3o minutes haha. They say the second trimester is the honeymoon stage but I am still waiting for that honeymoon to come. I am thrilled though that I am having this baby and I wouldn't change that fact! I am just trying to be as positive as possible and know that my body won't be like this forever. On a more positive note, I have been able to feel the baby's kicks for the past couple of weeks and they are getting really strong. Jeff finally was able to feel some this past week and I love that! I love this little baby even if he makes me feel sick and I can't wait to kiss his little cheeks!


Amy said...

It is so fun to feel kicks!! And don't feel horrible about not enjoying pregnancy. I had a really easy pregnancy (knock on wood, don't want to jinx myself for next time - which is a LONG LONG LONG time away :), but I didn't like it much either. It gets so uncomfortable and I missed being able to lay and sleep normally and a ton of other things! You are not alone!

Tim and Jennifer said...

Chelsie how tiny can you be? That's what I look like after I eat an apple and am not pregnant! It's ok to not like being pregnant, if you keep up on my blog you know my feelings about it. :) It really is such a special thing at the same time. He's going to be soo cute! Congrats!

The Lunts said...

Congrats! This is such exciting news!

aLeXis said...

COngrats! I just found your blog through Ellie's...and I am so glad I did. Now I can keep updated on you guys and your pregnancy...seeing as we are due just weeks apart. Although don't know if I am prepared to see how tiny you are. I am already HUGE! Yay for BOYS! We are really excited for you guys. Hope all is well.

Oh, and if you want an invite to our blog....just send me an :)

Amanda ~ A Crafty Fox said...

CONGRATS!!! Boys are so cute and fun! Think of the newsboy hats and tossing a football with Jeff. Oh yay for you guys!!!