Sunday, April 25, 2010

Way to go Mom and Dad!

Yesterday was my parents 40th wedding anniversary!! I am so proud of my parents. When I think 40 years, all I think is wow! My parents don't seem that old to me so it seemed weird that they have been married that long already. It seems like they just had their 25th! I am so grateful for my parents though and their marriage. Sadly, it is rare now to see couples married for that long. They have been such a great example to me and I thank them for honoring their marriage and keeping it strong.

I think of all that they have accomplished in 40 years of marriage and the greatest thing of all is the family they created. It all began with one son, four daughters then grew to two son-in-laws, eight grandchildren-and one more on the way :). Our family will only continue to grow but it all started with them and I am forever thankful for them for bringing me up in a family that was surrounded by love and care. They always worked so hard and still do to make sure we had everything we needed and I have never known someone to be so devoted to their family and their spouse. Thank you Mom and Dad for loving each other and us so much! Here are to many more wonderful years of marriage! :)

My beautiful Mom and handsome Dad :)

I look at this picture and it just gives me so much joy. Love you both!