Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Adios Elder Johnson!

Today, Jeff’s little brother Justin, or now Elder Johnson, went into the MTC! It is crazy to think we won’t see him now for two years and all that could happen during that time. Justin is also the last of six kids in his family to serve a mission. I think that is really neat to have every single one of your kids serve a mission. We are way excited for him though and I know he will be a great missionary. He is going to the Cuernavaca, Mexico mission, which is almost Jeff’s exact mission. It is pretty funny because Justin is like Jeff’s “mini-me” and he happened to get the same call too! He flew in yesterday so we got to spend one last night with him before he left. We made sure he had his Costa Vida and caffeine-free Mountain Dew haha and Jeff gave him all the info possible that he could on Mexico. We spent much time listening to songs such as “el gato volador” (the flying cat), and “la vaca” (the cow), and many other great hits from Jeff’s mission :). It was funny to hear all of Jeff’s stories and I am sure Justin will come back with many of his own!

We figured Christ was a good background for the pic. :) Jeff took Jojo to the MTC and now
Jojo will take Justin! Love the smiles haha.

All of us at 1:30 am

We will miss you and wish you the best of luck Francewa!


Abby said...

Oh My goodness..that is so exciting and sad at the same time!! I will miss Pookie so much! I am sure right about now he is crying or something realizing oh my goodness I won't see anyone for two years. But, it gets better! He will be incredible and it will be such a great experience! I'm sure that it was fun to spend one last night all together! I hope you guys are doing well! you look great!

Amy said...

Wow, he is Jeff's mini-me! They look a ton alike!

CRAIGERS said...

I am not sure MEXICO is ready for another JOHNSON so soon. I heard that they have not recovered from the first JOHNSON visit. Well...let's just keep an eye on the newspapers.