Sunday, September 6, 2009


We got our callings a couple of weeks ago and yep, we are in Primary! In our ward in Provo, we were teaching the 10-11 year olds but we've jumped a few years back and we are teaching the 5 year olds now! Today was our first day teaching and I am excited about our new class of about 9 kids. It was funny today though seeing the difference between teaching the older and younger kids. We asked the kids to tell us their favorite candy bar and favorite thing to do and then we told them ours. Jeff was having them guess what his favorite thing to do and this is how the dialogue went:

Jeff: Ok, what do you think my favorite thing to do is?

Kid 1: Hide and go seek!

J: No...

Kid 2: Spies!

J: No...

Kid 3: Leap frog!

J: No, that is fun though. Sometimes I play that with her (meaning me haha)

Kid 4: Man hunter!

J: No, but I hunt her!

Haha finally, I acted out throwing a football and they guessed it but I was just laughing as they were guessing and Jeff was going along with them that he actually liked to do those things too. It was so cute and I am sure it is just the beginning of more cute things to come! After church we were just laughing though thinking the kids are probably going to go home and tell their parents, our teachers like to play leap frog! Haha, gotta love them kids.


Anonymous said...

Haha! That is too funny! =)

Tim and Jennifer said...

We teach the 5-6 year olds. They say some of the funniest things!

Amy said...

Nice! We also teach the 5 year olds that are have turned or are turning 6 this year. It's a lot of fun!

Amy said...

Take out the "are" after "that" in the second sentence :)