Sunday, September 27, 2009


We stretch, stretch, and grow!

It's good for us we know.

We exercise, and eats what wise.

We stretch, stretch, and grow!

This is what I start most of my days out with now. I have started my new job as a children's fitness instructor! I am all done with training so I have the classes all to myself and wow it is exhausting haha. The classes are only 30 minutes long but kids tire you out! I wanted a job where I wasn't sitting and I could be more active and I got what I wished for haha. After this last week though, I have a much greater respect for teachers. I only work part time, and I am drained. I don't know how they do it all day! I am sure I will adjust to it, and hopefully my voice will adjust as well. It has been fun though and the kids are way cute. I basically do little activities with them to get them moving and we teach them about their bodies and being healthy. It really is a great program and I think it is good for kids to learn these things at a young age. I also teach cheer classes and get to add a little dance in there too, which I am excited about.

Overall, the job is going well except these little germ monsters have already managed to get me sick! I have tried to be careful because they all always have runny noses, or searching for treasures in their noses haha but I still got sick. I am hoping it goes away soon but it looks like I am going to have to get my first flu shot this year or maybe I will just wear a gas mask to work. :)


Abby said...

haha Chelsie I love this... I am going to School to be a teacher So I can understand the energy but its fun! I'm glad to hear you are doing well in Flordia! I missed seeing you guys when I was in Provo last weekend but we got to stay in your old house! haha well I hope you continue to love your job and do well!

Tim and Jennifer said...

Sounds fun and too tiring. I can barely keep up with Kyle. I'm sure the kids feel lucky to have such a pretty teacher!

Amy said...

I'm so glad you found something you like and that will be better for your sanity than sitting behind a desk! Sorry you got sick, that stinks! You're the one who taught me about Emergen-C packets when we were freshman, so take lots of those or Airbornes!